But Binky needs to be careful that, even if he does avoid burning all the bridges, some of the bridges he already burned may be the ones he needs one day.
That a bridge he thinks is burned isn’t just covered in smoke from someone else’s burning bridge.
I am wildly enthused about this page.
But Binky needs to be careful that, even if he does avoid burning all the bridges, some of the bridges he already burned may be the ones he needs one day.
That a bridge he thinks is burned isn’t just covered in smoke from someone else’s burning bridge.
Re: Alt text
No, I choose to believe that Binky has literally mistaken Livewire for a bridge constructor in clown makeup.
“This is all a metaphor for how I’m getting back together with Anesthesia. I still hate you.”
Oh man this is what i’m hoping for hahahahahahaha!
That’s a meaty alt tex, I like it.
Honestly, I was hoping that his lecture would be about focusing on using her good lier skills against the Shadow Circus to make for her betrayal.