I’ve seen enough secret spy movies to know it’s all a false front. Turn the mop counter-clockwise a quarter rotation, then pull back. It’ll open the hidden door at the back, revealing the elusive and mysterious secret projects room.
Split the difference: it’s the closet where people stuff their half-finished projects. Sometimes you get a great idea at the wrong time and need to back-burner it. That broom’s gonna FLY…when they get around to it. The rubber gloves are for summoning an anti-pie cleaning solution, the boss says it’s a bad idea and what if it falls into the wrong blah blah blah just wait until he transfers out and ask the new boss. The bucket gets filled with water and balanced on top of a door about once a week.
I’ve seen enough secret spy movies to know it’s all a false front. Turn the mop counter-clockwise a quarter rotation, then pull back. It’ll open the hidden door at the back, revealing the elusive and mysterious secret projects room.
Split the difference: it’s the closet where people stuff their half-finished projects. Sometimes you get a great idea at the wrong time and need to back-burner it. That broom’s gonna FLY…when they get around to it. The rubber gloves are for summoning an anti-pie cleaning solution, the boss says it’s a bad idea and what if it falls into the wrong blah blah blah just wait until he transfers out and ask the new boss. The bucket gets filled with water and balanced on top of a door about once a week.