Oh, this will be the real test for Mustard: she can rationalize that Oats/Livewire — representing the corruption, betrayal and general disappointment of the Corps — deserves her rage, but what about an innocent like Fuchsia?
Personally I think that after the second panel Livewire should have said “alright fine, but only because you started acting less threatening and more negotiating, c’mon, let’s sit on opposite walls of the alleyway and chat.
You’re not wrong. This is the closest we get to like, negotiation and talking instead of threats. Its just a shame that for Livewire, it came after getting punched a lot. Its really hard to give ground after things have escalated so far.
My favorite part of dialogue in comics or even video games (anything that displays text in a visual medium, really) is when leaving the period out, I imagine the speaker says it like they had more to say, but couldn’t get it out.
aaaaaa the pink sunset + darkness of the alleyway creating ambiance and tension during the fight and since the fight started the mouth of the alley’s been a bright wall of pink and now from the wall of pink it’s Fuchsia aaaaa
See, Mustard, if you had started all this with less threats and more “Hey, I want to help unbrainwash the mime, and you of all people know how important doing that” this unexpected walk-in would be much less of an issue. Fuchsia might even overhear and mention deprogramming, which Mustard probably needs to look into more.
Livewire should know pretty well how Gus getting in your head is; that’s *probably* leading her to think Echo is an Extra Bad Person because that’s not enough to explain her actions, but also, like, extra screwed up things clearly happened to her. Mentioning the mouth stitches would probably help make that clear.
But, of course, having to actually work with other people is difficult and frustrating and can fail, unlike making all the Tough Choices and Doing Everything Yourself, No Matter What It Takes is the much more effective and satisfying option, because brains are fucking stupid and will lie to you when you’re upset.
Oh, this will be the real test for Mustard: she can rationalize that Oats/Livewire — representing the corruption, betrayal and general disappointment of the Corps — deserves her rage, but what about an innocent like Fuchsia?
Let that Livewire/Fuchsia ship sail!
Mustard, DON’T YOU DARE make Fuchsia cry.
Ups, sorry, missclick, wasn’t trying for it to be a reply.
Personally I think that after the second panel Livewire should have said “alright fine, but only because you started acting less threatening and more negotiating, c’mon, let’s sit on opposite walls of the alleyway and chat.
You’re not wrong. This is the closest we get to like, negotiation and talking instead of threats. Its just a shame that for Livewire, it came after getting punched a lot. Its really hard to give ground after things have escalated so far.
Mustard, DON’T YOU DARE make Fuchsia cry.
Carry on my wayward mime… There’ll be peace when you do crime…
Wow, talk about a lucky catch.
C’mon Mustard, don’t be like that
My favorite part of dialogue in comics or even video games (anything that displays text in a visual medium, really) is when leaving the period out, I imagine the speaker says it like they had more to say, but couldn’t get it out.
Uh, anyway. Nice save Fuchsia
Reminder: Last time we saw Fuchsia, she and Livewire were cleaning up from the party.
Rectification: last time we saw Fuchsia, she was smirking while nose-kissing a flustered Livewire.
aaaaaa the pink sunset + darkness of the alleyway creating ambiance and tension during the fight and since the fight started the mouth of the alley’s been a bright wall of pink and now from the wall of pink it’s Fuchsia aaaaa
See, Mustard, if you had started all this with less threats and more “Hey, I want to help unbrainwash the mime, and you of all people know how important doing that” this unexpected walk-in would be much less of an issue. Fuchsia might even overhear and mention deprogramming, which Mustard probably needs to look into more.
Livewire should know pretty well how Gus getting in your head is; that’s *probably* leading her to think Echo is an Extra Bad Person because that’s not enough to explain her actions, but also, like, extra screwed up things clearly happened to her. Mentioning the mouth stitches would probably help make that clear.
But, of course, having to actually work with other people is difficult and frustrating and can fail, unlike making all the Tough Choices and Doing Everything Yourself, No Matter What It Takes is the much more effective and satisfying option, because brains are fucking stupid and will lie to you when you’re upset.
There sure is more garbage, and Fuschia’s got it on a rope!