The thing about this sort of comic is you’re never 100% certain if a character acknowledging that they’re in a flashback is actually significant or just a throwaway joke.
Obviously reality rearranges itself so that either you weren’t really dead, and there is a later flashback recounting how you came back, or it rearranges itself so that the person in the present was never really you to begin with.
In chapter 5 pg 67, Binky is talking to Mustard and refers to McBell as “that criminal you’re trying to turn into a little sister.” Guess he was pretty close
Good god that is the most stanky eye I’ve EVER seen.
The stank is REAL!
The thing about this sort of comic is you’re never 100% certain if a character acknowledging that they’re in a flashback is actually significant or just a throwaway joke.
Clearly she’s using her mime powers to mimic McBell’s fourth wall breaking powers.
From the PAST.
It’s a good question…what does happen if you get killed in a flashback?
Well, Maggie has a seemingly fatal car crash in her future, so I think it’s more of an indicator that this isn’t that flashback. We’re not there yet
Obviously reality rearranges itself so that either you weren’t really dead, and there is a later flashback recounting how you came back, or it rearranges itself so that the person in the present was never really you to begin with.
Everyone knows if you die in a flashback you die in real life.
Oh my god, of course. Mustard took McBell under her wing because McBell reminded her of her sister.
In chapter 5 pg 67, Binky is talking to Mustard and refers to McBell as “that criminal you’re trying to turn into a little sister.” Guess he was pretty close
I like her
So she got her power of mimicing really early on! She nailed it, didn’t she?!
This comic is so AWESOME!
Echo truly is just a desaturated mcbell.
I can kinda believe that Mustard used to be a flirt. But it’s also painting quite the picture of how much Maggie’s death affected her. <//3
Used to?
The McBell comparison is obvious, but also even here Maggie is mimicking people
Internal Mustard:
God I missed the faces. I’m glad you’re back.
You still make me laugh harder than anything. Those last three panels…peak sisterhood.