…Nah, I think I’m about done with Maggie by now. At least until some questions are cleared up. Especially knowing what both become? I’m siding with Morgan.
I honestly have a hard time taking any of it at face value, it just seems like… too much. Like, both Maggie and Morgan are completely untrained high schoolers practicing at levels on par with what they can do now as adults after a decade, their dialogue is hyper-exaggerated and pushed to the flanderized extreme… I have to imagine something is gonna cause this lie to break apart, and it might be tied to that hat
I dunno. Being freakishly talented almost seems like a requirement for getting accepted into the Corps in the first place. And we’ve seen that even “ordinary” people in this universe can behave very cartoonishly.
Interesting. We had a black and white scene where McBell’s red and yellow clothes were the only things in colour back on page 128…
Now it’s happening again here with Maggie’s hat
It might be something different, thou. In McBells case it was an elegant segue from Dots perspective to the narrative. That is hardly possible in this situation…
But I would never have noticed that McBell chose her party dress based on Mustard’s costume!
I’m telling you, the theory about McBell and Echo/Maggie being the same person (or more interestingly, the theory about McBell being secretly a literal clone of Echo/Maggie) is growing ever stronger. In fact, I even listed an entire WMG about this on this webcomic’s TV Tropes page (which I just so happen to make a WMG section on said page): https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WMG/ClownCorps
There’s also the question of why the hypothetical clone-makers didn’t keep a tighter rein on McBell the clone, and instead let her loose to do her own thing…
(I was also going to say something about timeline problems, but if we’re talking about the sci-fi accelerated-growth kind of cloning, all bets are off there.)
March 10, 2025, 2:48 pm | # | Reply
Version 2 of my comment (there was a grammatical error in it):
I’m telling you, the theory about McBell and Echo/Maggie being the same person (or more interestingly, the theory about McBell being secretly a literal clone of Echo/Maggie) is growing even stronger. In fact, I even listed an entire WMG about this on this webcomic’s TV Tropes page (which I just so happen to make a WMG section on said page): https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WMG/ClownCorps
Version 2 of my comment (there was a grammatical error in it):
I’m telling you, the theory about McBell and Echo/Maggie being the same person (or more interestingly, the theory about McBell being secretly a literal clone of Echo/Maggie) is growing even stronger. In fact, I even listed an entire WMG about this on this webcomic’s TV Tropes page (which I just so happen to make a WMG section on said page): https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WMG/ClownCorps
So, on top of plain old survivor’s guilt, Morgan has spent the past however-many years stewing in the knowledge that she could have saved Maggie by doing her this one little favor—but she didn’t.
(I am here for this drama. Feed it to me slowly like grapes.)
I’m gonna predict that sooner or later, Morgan’s gonna burst out from that rubble with her umbrella and rockets into Maggie, grabbing her and causing both of them to exit out through one of the one of the windows of the abandoned building and begin flying through the whole city until they reach the auction house where the two stories will finally intertwine with one another once this flashback ends.
Ah, I’m assuming this one is “that kind of flashback”
…Nah, I think I’m about done with Maggie by now. At least until some questions are cleared up. Especially knowing what both become? I’m siding with Morgan.
we’re about to learn maggie ‘died’ in a literal bus crash, aren’t we?
If we take these flashbacks at face value, then these two completely switched alignment
I honestly have a hard time taking any of it at face value, it just seems like… too much. Like, both Maggie and Morgan are completely untrained high schoolers practicing at levels on par with what they can do now as adults after a decade, their dialogue is hyper-exaggerated and pushed to the flanderized extreme… I have to imagine something is gonna cause this lie to break apart, and it might be tied to that hat
I dunno. Being freakishly talented almost seems like a requirement for getting accepted into the Corps in the first place. And we’ve seen that even “ordinary” people in this universe can behave very cartoonishly.
Never take one sibling’s testimony about the other at face value.
Is this the moment that lead to Morgan later deciding to use an umbrella to fight?!
Hm. I’m trying to think if we’ve seen a flashback where just one thing was in color like that before. That hat being in color seems important.
It’s going to be the color scheme for Mustards clown costume, couldn’t do that in b&w. After Maggie’s imminent “death” by car accident….
Fuchsia and Ollie both used color highlights in their flashbacks. I don’t think they have a single consistent meaning.
I wonder who Maggie was supposed to meet. Might have been the mole, who then informed the Shadow Circus about this unique talent…
Re: hover text
“diffuse” bombs? That is exactly what the corps tries to avoid! We’re trying to keep the bombs contained, not diffuse them to anybody!
Diffuse, defuse.. She can learn it in a three hour study sesh, she can take six hours to learn both.
Interesting. We had a black and white scene where McBell’s red and yellow clothes were the only things in colour back on page 128…
Now it’s happening again here with Maggie’s hat
It might be something different, thou. In McBells case it was an elegant segue from Dots perspective to the narrative. That is hardly possible in this situation…
But I would never have noticed that McBell chose her party dress based on Mustard’s costume!
I’m telling you, the theory about McBell and Echo/Maggie being the same person (or more interestingly, the theory about McBell being secretly a literal clone of Echo/Maggie) is growing ever stronger. In fact, I even listed an entire WMG about this on this webcomic’s TV Tropes page (which I just so happen to make a WMG section on said page):
they’re not the same race and don’t look anything alike in the slightest, that seems…. extremely unlikely
There’s also the question of why the hypothetical clone-makers didn’t keep a tighter rein on McBell the clone, and instead let her loose to do her own thing…
(I was also going to say something about timeline problems, but if we’re talking about the sci-fi accelerated-growth kind of cloning, all bets are off there.)
March 10, 2025, 2:48 pm | # | Reply
Version 2 of my comment (there was a grammatical error in it):
I’m telling you, the theory about McBell and Echo/Maggie being the same person (or more interestingly, the theory about McBell being secretly a literal clone of Echo/Maggie) is growing even stronger. In fact, I even listed an entire WMG about this on this webcomic’s TV Tropes page (which I just so happen to make a WMG section on said page):
Version 2 of my comment (there was a grammatical error in it):
I’m telling you, the theory about McBell and Echo/Maggie being the same person (or more interestingly, the theory about McBell being secretly a literal clone of Echo/Maggie) is growing even stronger. In fact, I even listed an entire WMG about this on this webcomic’s TV Tropes page (which I just so happen to make a WMG section on said page):
So, on top of plain old survivor’s guilt, Morgan has spent the past however-many years stewing in the knowledge that she could have saved Maggie by doing her this one little favor—but she didn’t.
(I am here for this drama. Feed it to me slowly like grapes.)
I’m gonna predict that sooner or later, Morgan’s gonna burst out from that rubble with her umbrella and rockets into Maggie, grabbing her and causing both of them to exit out through one of the one of the windows of the abandoned building and begin flying through the whole city until they reach the auction house where the two stories will finally intertwine with one another once this flashback ends.