I can totally buy that she did a no wind-up shot put of an entire human being. Sure thing, no problem. But the mental gymnastics of “So you’ve stated you don’t want to be picked on, right? That’s your goal, you don’t want to be bullied? We’ve established this, I’m acknowledging this? YOU STATUS SEEKER!” is insane. There’s no way. How are you going to accurately recognize somebody’s real goals in one sentence and then act like you think they’re after something else in the next? Like, to justify the bullying, you’d have to pick one or the other, why would you just change lanes like that unprompted? Unhinged behavior.
It’s status seeking if you consider “someone who isn’t getting bullied” a privileged status. To young Morgan here, Debbie’s a peasant who wants to be treated like nobility, and this will not be tolerated.
It doesn’t need to be her actual logic. Mustard wants to get at Debbie for the whole sticky bun diarrhea bit, and these are just hurtful words she’s adding onto the physical violence.
I’m gonna go with “unreliable narrator” on this one. This feels super out of character for what we’ve seen of her outside of flashbacks. I just can’t see her completely 180° changing from … this just because she lost her sister and went to clown-cop school.
This feels too over the top even for the flashbacks. I don’t think this is real.
I’m starting to wonder if Maggie has a power that allows her to warp flashbacks. I have no idea how that could work, though I suppose it could be like severe gaslighting.
The problem with that theory is that, they’ve established that Maggie can’t copy natural abilities.
If it is indeed a SUPERpower, I doubt she could do that.
But if it is a Gaslight Manipulation tactic, she seems to be pretty damn good at it.
So she was a horrible asshole. But even Regina George was much much worse and she got a redemption arc. Maggi’s claim that Morgan was evil and this “isn’t like a teen movie” is ridiculous. Teenage Morgan defintly fits the archetype of High-school bully that gets redeemed at the end, and that’s in a much lighter story than even the Meangirls musical, let alone Mean girls the movie or Heathers(Yes I know 2 of the Heathers don’t get redeemed but Heather Mcnany does and she is pretty awful)
This is devinitely Debbie’s flashback! No doubt just as accurate as Ollie’s or Maggie’s! Too bad Morgan is dead- we will never see her side of the story…
I know this is supposed to be some super-horrible thing that my favorite character supposedly did back in the day? I still laughed at the idea of Morgan chucking one human being like a baseball into a pile of other human beings like she were playing the ball and milk bottle game at the carnival. Not sure if it was meant to bully Debbie or meant to bully the other cheerleaders.
wow, i can’t believe she REALLY did that! so very, very, very, very cruel. we have to kill her
okay, fine, ambiguity over, high school era morgan sucked.
Yeah man just take this at face value with zero critical thinking on the reliability of the narrator
This isn’t Echo narrating, this seems to be a straight-up flashback.
it’s black and white and I have never once seen a flashback without an in story reason for why it’s happening tell me otherwise
She throws a girl almost her size like a baseball
I can totally buy that she did a no wind-up shot put of an entire human being. Sure thing, no problem. But the mental gymnastics of “So you’ve stated you don’t want to be picked on, right? That’s your goal, you don’t want to be bullied? We’ve established this, I’m acknowledging this? YOU STATUS SEEKER!” is insane. There’s no way. How are you going to accurately recognize somebody’s real goals in one sentence and then act like you think they’re after something else in the next? Like, to justify the bullying, you’d have to pick one or the other, why would you just change lanes like that unprompted? Unhinged behavior.
Oh wait she totally did a wind-up what was I even on? Ignore me.
It’s status seeking if you consider “someone who isn’t getting bullied” a privileged status. To young Morgan here, Debbie’s a peasant who wants to be treated like nobility, and this will not be tolerated.
It doesn’t need to be her actual logic. Mustard wants to get at Debbie for the whole sticky bun diarrhea bit, and these are just hurtful words she’s adding onto the physical violence.
Women who suck so so so so sooooo bad 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I’m gonna go with “unreliable narrator” on this one. This feels super out of character for what we’ve seen of her outside of flashbacks. I just can’t see her completely 180° changing from … this just because she lost her sister and went to clown-cop school.
Look, *somebody* has to get bullied, and if this girl doesn’t want that role, then she’s gotta move up in the school hierarchy. Them’s just the rules.
This feels too over the top even for the flashbacks. I don’t think this is real.
I’m starting to wonder if Maggie has a power that allows her to warp flashbacks. I have no idea how that could work, though I suppose it could be like severe gaslighting.
…Huh. Maybe that’s what Gus could do which made him so persuasive – recontextualize or rewrite one’s history. Then Maggie could be copying him.
The problem with that theory is that, they’ve established that Maggie can’t copy natural abilities.
If it is indeed a SUPERpower, I doubt she could do that.
But if it is a Gaslight Manipulation tactic, she seems to be pretty damn good at it.
You just made the MOST IMPORTANT POINT of this entire chapter
…Especially since she cut out Gus’s TONGUE, the one thing he’d need for such an ability . . . .
So she was a horrible asshole. But even Regina George was much much worse and she got a redemption arc. Maggi’s claim that Morgan was evil and this “isn’t like a teen movie” is ridiculous. Teenage Morgan defintly fits the archetype of High-school bully that gets redeemed at the end, and that’s in a much lighter story than even the Meangirls musical, let alone Mean girls the movie or Heathers(Yes I know 2 of the Heathers don’t get redeemed but Heather Mcnany does and she is pretty awful)
We’ve gotten to the level of “unreliable narrator in a cartoon world” where it’s IMPOSSIBLE to tell what’s exaggerated and I’m living for it.
Talk about go long…
This is devinitely Debbie’s flashback! No doubt just as accurate as Ollie’s or Maggie’s! Too bad Morgan is dead- we will never see her side of the story…
In case anyone else is chasing archives, Debbie previously appeared in flashback at ch6p122, and possibly in the comic “present day” at ch6p46-47.
I know this is supposed to be some super-horrible thing that my favorite character supposedly did back in the day? I still laughed at the idea of Morgan chucking one human being like a baseball into a pile of other human beings like she were playing the ball and milk bottle game at the carnival. Not sure if it was meant to bully Debbie or meant to bully the other cheerleaders.
JOE! Stop doing my girl Mustard so dirty! ;_;
I though this was cheerleading practice, not dodgeball practice!
if that really is doughy’s wife I’m not shocked her kid is scared of clowns
Love all the people just now realizing that the flashbacks in black and white are not how things actually happened