Actually I think this might be exactly what Maggie wants. I’m starting to suspect that literally nothing Maggie has said during this whole encounter is sincere, I think she might have deliberately chosen a sort of role that she thinks will get a rise out of Mustard for some reason. Everything she has said about Morgan being such a bitch during highschool could be a way to play into Mustard’s insecurities.
Oh? I wonder how much she knows about McBell and Mustard. Is this just something to get under Morgan’s skin, or does she actually have an agenda that McBell could be useful for?
Oh, this also means that our Mind knows what happened earlier when only Livewire and Fuschia were present. Who else heard about that, that could help lead us to the mole.
I think the spy is the guy who has a cat :
– no one suspect a kitty cat to carry on a listening device
– Cats can keep watch on a back alley without looking suspicious
– The cat was present when it was reveal Oats was a triple agent.
Probably true, Maggie is far from stupid and knows her sister in and out, it seems. OTOH she says: “If you haven’t tried beating up Oats…” so she doesn’t KNOW for sure.
She pushed the McBell button. She shouldn’t have pushed the McBell button.
She shouldn’ta did that.
Actually I think this might be exactly what Maggie wants. I’m starting to suspect that literally nothing Maggie has said during this whole encounter is sincere, I think she might have deliberately chosen a sort of role that she thinks will get a rise out of Mustard for some reason. Everything she has said about Morgan being such a bitch during highschool could be a way to play into Mustard’s insecurities.
Beating up Oats did look cool. Maybe it is fun? I don’t know. I’ve never done it and the user rating is currently 50/50.
Oh? I wonder how much she knows about McBell and Mustard. Is this just something to get under Morgan’s skin, or does she actually have an agenda that McBell could be useful for?
She was at the mall when they met. She knows a ship when she sees it.
Oh, this also means that our Mind knows what happened earlier when only Livewire and Fuschia were present. Who else heard about that, that could help lead us to the mole.
Mime, not mind. I am talking about Maggie.
I think the spy is the guy who has a cat :
– no one suspect a kitty cat to carry on a listening device
– Cats can keep watch on a back alley without looking suspicious
– The cat was present when it was reveal Oats was a triple agent.
Too suspicious
The alt text actually told us the cat was the mole.
I would be fully confident that the mole is angel if the alt text hadn’t told us. It’s not usually the place where you’d get that kinda reveal.
Bunsen, Binky and Anesthesia know. Angel and Raspberry were in Anesthesia’s office before she got told.
Mind you, it’s possible that Echo has a good enough read on Mustard that she’d know she’d fight Oats.
Probably true, Maggie is far from stupid and knows her sister in and out, it seems. OTOH she says: “If you haven’t tried beating up Oats…” so she doesn’t KNOW for sure.
Nah I’m pretty sure she’s just feigning ignorance to rub it in how much of a bully Mustard was today.
“If you will not turn to the Dark Side, then perhaps she will.“
She knows which buttons to press to make her lose focus…
Struck a nerve, eh?
Nobody likes a copycat, Maggie
Friendly reminder that all the purple smoke is from one single smoke bomb pie. The clown supplies are powerful stuff.
I caught up with Clown Corps in about three days. Time to start again!
I love that Mustard can use an umbrella like an industrial fan
To me, it was kind of an “I am not left handed”-moment. So NOW they’re getting down to business…
This is so sad Alexa play whitest_kids_u_know_OHHHHHHNOWYOUFUCKEDUP.mp3
The alt text…something tells me that joke is going to be twisted to highly upsetting effect.
Oh no, we’re getting a tragic undersea episode.