One of those may be only a perceived wrong at least, which would make it worse. After all, we can’t really say this is the most reliable narrator we’re getting this information from.
Given that Maggie has been brainwashed in a murdercult being used to take down the Corps, I wouldn’t peg her as the most reliable narrator. I hope this is just her skewed POV and not really how it happened.
There’s a lot of anecdotes about mean girls and high school bullies who wind up teachers, nurses, and cops. If Morgan went from domineering abusive mean girl to superpowered teacher cop, it would be a really weird portrayal of the abuse-of-power pipeline, since she only JOINED the Corps because of Maggie, and has been kind to everyone around her until the dead-sister-trauma manifested. This comic is far from copaganda, but the characters, Mustard especially, have been portrayed a genuinely good people who want to do good. Somehow I doubt she’s the one who drove Maggie to supervillainy.
Dimes bet to doughnuts that this is a “How I saw You” Vs “How You saw You” moment, and then next page will be Mustard saying she was a nervous wreck who worked her ass off for straight A’s that weren’t good enough for their parents, while on the cheer team surrounded by mean girls, and was developing an eating disorder from all the stress (hence the constant sugar fixation).
So, ex-Mime is gonna go then”two wrongs make me right” route, eh?
I really hate my tablet sometimes. -_-
The*, not “then.”
One of those may be only a perceived wrong at least, which would make it worse. After all, we can’t really say this is the most reliable narrator we’re getting this information from.
There are way too many flashbacks in this chapter and all of them feel like they’re in a different generation from the other.
She was
athe Mean Girl.She’s giving off some serious Harley Quinn vibes.
god forbid women do anything
I see she got her masters in gaslighting and gatekeeping.
Sweet, sweet backstory!
Given that Maggie has been brainwashed in a murdercult being used to take down the Corps, I wouldn’t peg her as the most reliable narrator. I hope this is just her skewed POV and not really how it happened.
There’s a lot of anecdotes about mean girls and high school bullies who wind up teachers, nurses, and cops. If Morgan went from domineering abusive mean girl to superpowered teacher cop, it would be a really weird portrayal of the abuse-of-power pipeline, since she only JOINED the Corps because of Maggie, and has been kind to everyone around her until the dead-sister-trauma manifested. This comic is far from copaganda, but the characters, Mustard especially, have been portrayed a genuinely good people who want to do good. Somehow I doubt she’s the one who drove Maggie to supervillainy.
Well, well, talk about an interesting backstory of Mustard here…
Dimes bet to doughnuts that this is a “How I saw You” Vs “How You saw You” moment, and then next page will be Mustard saying she was a nervous wreck who worked her ass off for straight A’s that weren’t good enough for their parents, while on the cheer team surrounded by mean girls, and was developing an eating disorder from all the stress (hence the constant sugar fixation).
oooh deep Mustard lore
What could make mean-girl Morgan pivot to being the nicest person in Clown Corps?
Have we seen the flashback for how Maggie “died” yet?
Re: Title text: She was licking a cigarette?
Lollipop chewing villain
I know we only had three pages of Mustard’s past so it wasn’t exactly the best for character judgement but still ***WHAT***
Just saying, the start of chapter flashback didn’t lead me to believe their relationship was this hostile.
Ahem. Unreliable Narrator. That is all.
Definitely scratching my head here. I suppose it’s possible but it seems a little difficult to reconcile.