meanwhile, off at the other end of the auction house, McBell hears something in the vents. a thumping, a BLAM, and a grown man screaming that the terrorists got him. She covers Dot’s ears and ushers her outside of the building
“They’re probably out of eggs again. Dad always does that at home if mom forgets to buy eggs. Then mom has to call the guys who pulls dad back out of the coal chute again.”
It’s kind of depresssing that the Chief of Police thinks of the Clown Corps as the mayor’s personal goon squad (“Burke’s clowns”). Or rather, it’s depressing that he’s not entirely wrong.
I still have to ask: Why are Clowns reporting to the Chief-of-Police? I thought they were different departements!? Shouldn’t they address Platt jr. as their new boss?
Oh! I seem to have answered my own question, never mind…
meanwhile, off at the other end of the auction house, McBell hears something in the vents. a thumping, a BLAM, and a grown man screaming that the terrorists got him. She covers Dot’s ears and ushers her outside of the building
“They’re probably out of eggs again. Dad always does that at home if mom forgets to buy eggs. Then mom has to call the guys who pulls dad back out of the coal chute again.”
“.. .Hang on, kid, your house has a coal chute?”
“Dad said we needed it. In case of terr’ists.”
Just another day in the Clown Corps universe.
Imagine if it was literally only Pinfall that was like this
That guy’s been waiting his whole life to pull a ‘DIE HARD’!
Nah. He forgot to take off his shoes…
(Congrats, Joe and Thank you very much for 500 great pages!)
Just because he’s bad at Die-Harding doesn’t mean he hasn’t been excited to do so.
Why do I suddenly have a mental image of Binky glaring the chief into a withered husk without even opening his eyes?
The Chief was hiding a submachine gun under his shirt this whole time?
Well, I guess that explains the bulge
I choose to believe he spawned an MP5 out of sheer rage and force of will as soon as he tore off his shirt
nanomachines, son!
I feel like Platt died early on because he was the only corrupt official who wasn’t a nutcase.
Platt put secret basements under every establishment he owned, some of them full of death traps.
Time to teach these crooks a lesson about stealing from the auction house that they will never forget.
…Okay, I might have a new favorite page this chapter… XD
…there’s DEFINITELY something in the water in this town.
Wait, the cat office guy is on active duty?
No, angel’s owner has pink hair. The guy in the blue hair here is background clown #7, first seen on chapter 1 page 28.
Doesn’t he even have a name? Agent Raspberry?
those terrorists STOLE deviled eggs. monsters.
It’s kind of depresssing that the Chief of Police thinks of the Clown Corps as the mayor’s personal goon squad (“Burke’s clowns”). Or rather, it’s depressing that he’s not entirely wrong.
Oops, sorry, didn’t mean to post that as a reply.
Here’s to another 500!
I still have to ask: Why are Clowns reporting to the Chief-of-Police? I thought they were different departements!? Shouldn’t they address Platt jr. as their new boss?
Oh! I seem to have answered my own question, never mind…
screw it, i’m rooting for dougherty now. i like his moxy.
He didn’t even have a woman to grease him up.