And here we see yet another example of Ghoul using stereotypes he saw from television shows to explain the comic. Seriously, tv doesn’t represent everything.
Flipping back to those pages, definitely feels like a fluffier version of the prosecutor’s hair, which makes sense for the age implied, so I’d say likely xD
Wow. Super embarrassed to admit I actually never knew that about frogs.
the real baddie was speech and debate kids all along 🤔
Wait, if she was a cheerleader, then does that mean that she was a stuck up bully who constantly put down geeks and nerds because of insecurities?
Could be she was even putting down other cheerleaders judging from the alt text. Seems like she did a real face turn in her life.
And here we see yet another example of Ghoul using stereotypes he saw from television shows to explain the comic. Seriously, tv doesn’t represent everything.
Cheer leader drama from what I’ve heard is fairly common and can get really vicious, and often does. don’t quote me on that
Is the dude losing the debate in the second panel the lawyer from chapter 1? There’s a bit of resemblance and he gives me the same vibes.
Flipping back to those pages, definitely feels like a fluffier version of the prosecutor’s hair, which makes sense for the age implied, so I’d say likely xD
Not just that, but doesn’t the nice debate team captain who believes in teamwork and the inherent good in people kind of look like Dean Squeaky?
He wasn’t kidding when he said he was selfish.
So used to winning he stepped out of his comfort zone.
Even Joker knew he wasn’t a fighter.
How do you access the alt text?
golly, that hover-over text really hits harder after the most recent page of chapter 6