You claim you only used to take Bout there, yet you remember the price of spider rings? I’m on to you, Binky. Mustard was right, you are a big gamer.
I really hate modern arcades where the “tickets” are stored on a credit card. Nothing beats the feel of real tickets in your hand.
i mean. the ticket credit cards are vastly more ecologically sustainable. it’s a trade-off, y’know?
I lose every ticket credit card I ever get, which probably means everyone else does too. Pretty sure paper is more ecologically friendly
Back in my day, that many tickets would get you a spider ring, a squirt flower and a box of razzle blasters.
*sheds manly tear in memory*
Tickets getting hit by inflation is a sobering thought
I headcanon Binky’s voice being Keith David’s Spawn, and let me tell you, the lines in this chapter in that voice are cracking me the hell up.
You’re never gonna get enough tickets to get the big prize until you spend more quarters than the thing would have cost. The big prizes are lures.
I just get the little plastic army men. they’re like 10 tickets each for the real ones, 5 for tiny, even cheaper, imitations, and I get to build up a little army
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You claim you only used to take Bout there, yet you remember the price of spider rings? I’m on to you, Binky. Mustard was right, you are a big gamer.
I really hate modern arcades where the “tickets” are stored on a credit card. Nothing beats the feel of real tickets in your hand.
i mean. the ticket credit cards are vastly more ecologically sustainable. it’s a trade-off, y’know?
I lose every ticket credit card I ever get, which probably means everyone else does too. Pretty sure paper is more ecologically friendly
Back in my day, that many tickets would get you a spider ring, a squirt flower and a box of razzle blasters.
*sheds manly tear in memory*
Tickets getting hit by inflation is a sobering thought
I headcanon Binky’s voice being Keith David’s Spawn, and let me tell you, the lines in this chapter in that voice are cracking me the hell up.
You’re never gonna get enough tickets to get the big prize until you spend more quarters than the thing would have cost. The big prizes are lures.
I just get the little plastic army men. they’re like 10 tickets each for the real ones, 5 for tiny, even cheaper, imitations, and I get to build up a little army