More that it comes off as though it’s reaching for the comparison. What with Oats’ literally feeling useless, and seeming to be getting character shuffled into a background role. While Fuchsia (sp?) just generally getting relegated to background character that is trying to be main/support character material.
But more than that is the fact that Oats’ “embarrassment” moment is centered around McBell being mentioned… Like she too has grown an attraction to the stated straight McBell. Which, if I understand the “Useless Lesbian” archetype correctly (which I freely admit I mayhaps don’t, meme culture isn’t my strong point) But, (I think) the archetype is more about lesbians that experience unrequited love for/with another character (typically a main character) either because the targeted character is already in a relationship, or isn’t interested in lesbians.
The part that makes the archetype insulting however, is that the character’s afflicted with the archetype are typically put into ineffectual roles within the story to reflect the “apparent” superfluous nature of their inclusion within a story.
Which is, very strongly, what seems to be hinted at with both Fuchsia, and Oats, as of this addition.
You do know this is a slow burning comic, right? We follow character arcs as they happen, and right now Oats, er, Livewire is feeling pretty down because she blew being a double agent and is now being remade as a different clownsona.
As for Fushia, what about her makes you think she’s “Useless?” Just because she’s not been given tonnes of action and adventure scenes DURING LIVEWIRE’S CHAPTER?
You do indeed misunderstand. “Useless lesbian” typically refers to the joke that we’ll fail to recognize even extremely obvious signs another woman is attracted to us and assume their feelings are platonic. Occasionally it’s instead used when someone becomes distracted/flustered by the appearance or attention of another woman and messes up what they’re doing in comical fashion. I have never once heard it used as you describe, even if Livewire or Fuchsia were indeed “useless” in that sense, which is itself debatable at best.
Also, has McBell been indicated to be straight? I don’t remember anything of the sort. In fact, the closest I recall to any indication of who she is and is not interested in is the time she conspicuously and unprompted turned Bout down.
Huh… well then, apparently I’m not the only one to have mixed it up. Cause, my prior definition was based upon commentary reviews of fanfiction that used the described depiction. (was uninspiring, didn’t really read further than a few chapters, didn’t bookmark)
The, exceedingly, few fanfics that were worth the effort to read past the first chapter that reflected east Asian style Yuri Romance Comedy however, did not have anyone call out the meme. (found uninteresting, and repetitive, also didn’t bookmark)
Though, I’ll admit that the dozen up dozens of to bad to read past the first chapter, or even the first half of the first chapter might have. I deliberately don’t read the reviews of those fanfics, because I don’t like being depressed at the sheer number of reviewers calling something that Elementary School me would have sneered at being called writing; as good or great, or even inspiring.
she preemptively turned him down right after we found out Fuschia was a lesbian when she turned down Bout, it was a “just so we don’t have to do this between us in the future, no” kind of thing. have you never seen that before?
If McBell isn’t on screen, everyone should be asking “where’s McBell?”
Oh god this is a great joke.
livewire this is why your double agent routine didnt stick
So how long will it take for them to go up to the apartment to meet Gus Gilborn? I’m still counting on it being a trap or something.
. . . . Okay, I was going to ask about the doubling up… but now, I’m wondering something else.
Author… are you seriously doing a double “useless les” insulting cliche “for the Main Character, whom isn’t”
Because, I got to say… if you are, not cool.
Literally what about these two tells you their character archetype is anywhere near “useless lesbian?”
More that it comes off as though it’s reaching for the comparison. What with Oats’ literally feeling useless, and seeming to be getting character shuffled into a background role. While Fuchsia (sp?) just generally getting relegated to background character that is trying to be main/support character material.
But more than that is the fact that Oats’ “embarrassment” moment is centered around McBell being mentioned… Like she too has grown an attraction to the stated straight McBell. Which, if I understand the “Useless Lesbian” archetype correctly (which I freely admit I mayhaps don’t, meme culture isn’t my strong point) But, (I think) the archetype is more about lesbians that experience unrequited love for/with another character (typically a main character) either because the targeted character is already in a relationship, or isn’t interested in lesbians.
The part that makes the archetype insulting however, is that the character’s afflicted with the archetype are typically put into ineffectual roles within the story to reflect the “apparent” superfluous nature of their inclusion within a story.
Which is, very strongly, what seems to be hinted at with both Fuchsia, and Oats, as of this addition.
You do know this is a slow burning comic, right? We follow character arcs as they happen, and right now Oats, er, Livewire is feeling pretty down because she blew being a double agent and is now being remade as a different clownsona.
As for Fushia, what about her makes you think she’s “Useless?” Just because she’s not been given tonnes of action and adventure scenes DURING LIVEWIRE’S CHAPTER?
You do indeed misunderstand. “Useless lesbian” typically refers to the joke that we’ll fail to recognize even extremely obvious signs another woman is attracted to us and assume their feelings are platonic. Occasionally it’s instead used when someone becomes distracted/flustered by the appearance or attention of another woman and messes up what they’re doing in comical fashion. I have never once heard it used as you describe, even if Livewire or Fuchsia were indeed “useless” in that sense, which is itself debatable at best.
Also, has McBell been indicated to be straight? I don’t remember anything of the sort. In fact, the closest I recall to any indication of who she is and is not interested in is the time she conspicuously and unprompted turned Bout down.
Huh… well then, apparently I’m not the only one to have mixed it up. Cause, my prior definition was based upon commentary reviews of fanfiction that used the described depiction. (was uninspiring, didn’t really read further than a few chapters, didn’t bookmark)
The, exceedingly, few fanfics that were worth the effort to read past the first chapter that reflected east Asian style Yuri Romance Comedy however, did not have anyone call out the meme. (found uninteresting, and repetitive, also didn’t bookmark)
Though, I’ll admit that the dozen up dozens of to bad to read past the first chapter, or even the first half of the first chapter might have. I deliberately don’t read the reviews of those fanfics, because I don’t like being depressed at the sheer number of reviewers calling something that Elementary School me would have sneered at being called writing; as good or great, or even inspiring.
she preemptively turned him down right after we found out Fuschia was a lesbian when she turned down Bout, it was a “just so we don’t have to do this between us in the future, no” kind of thing. have you never seen that before?
Staying true to your username, I see…
It been very long time since I read webcomic but man this one really fun. I love character and the story so far.