“My real name is Hurty McShooty and i’m here to deliver you PAIN!”
Binky thought, probably, as he pulled his Conk single action clowneries from their linked fabric holsters and started blasting with the speed only a clown who arrives early and leaves late in the confetti range can attain.
I’ve been presuming they’re loaded by teleport pretty much ever since I read about their small object teleportation. There’s only really room for one shot in those barrels.
Launching Ringmaster, though, is either evidence of high-relative-velocity teleportation, or simply Clown Physics.
Binky pulling a Devil May Cry and juggling his enemy to increase his rank. Dismal! Crazy! Badass! Apocalyptic! Savage! Sick Skills! Smokin’ Sexy Style!
Oh my!
I apparently have binge-read the entire comic in a single day!
I was directed here by multiple tumblr reposts by one of the online artists I follow. I trust their taste in comics and I am extremely glad that I gave this one a try!
On the positive, this is a superlative comic that made me really feel an attachment to a lot of the characters. Great pace, comedic timing and a good mix of the heart-felt REAL and the wacky comedy!
7 out of 5 stars!
On the negative – now I hafta wait for updates in real time and I am already jonesing for more!
This comic is phenomenal!
shoot him so much he turns into flappy bird
“My real name is Hurty McShooty and i’m here to deliver you PAIN!”
Binky thought, probably, as he pulled his Conk single action clowneries from their linked fabric holsters and started blasting with the speed only a clown who arrives early and leaves late in the confetti range can attain.
That’s going to hurt in the morning.
Binky’s unloading everything and looking cool doing it, but if this doesn’t put Juicy McChainsmoker down, he’s gonna have a hard time reloading.
I’ve been presuming they’re loaded by teleport pretty much ever since I read about their small object teleportation. There’s only really room for one shot in those barrels.
Launching Ringmaster, though, is either evidence of high-relative-velocity teleportation, or simply Clown Physics.
Ringmaster launched himself- hes falling towards Binky right now. 10 bucks the pain knocks him unconscious but he still falls on our macho clown hero.
Binky pulling a Devil May Cry and juggling his enemy to increase his rank. Dismal! Crazy! Badass! Apocalyptic! Savage! Sick Skills! Smokin’ Sexy Style!
I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen other games besides dmc have you juggle enemies for score, including shooting.
I hope for Gus’s sake that confetti isn’t as bad as glitter!
I’m pretty sure that there haven’t been any glitter bombs in this comic.
I’m pretty sure you should shush. No need to be such a wet blanket dude!
What? I was just pointing it out.
Yeah. But was it really necessary? This is also kinda in regards to your above comment to. It just seems so unnecessarily snarky.
Oh my!
I apparently have binge-read the entire comic in a single day!
I was directed here by multiple tumblr reposts by one of the online artists I follow. I trust their taste in comics and I am extremely glad that I gave this one a try!
On the positive, this is a superlative comic that made me really feel an attachment to a lot of the characters. Great pace, comedic timing and a good mix of the heart-felt REAL and the wacky comedy!
7 out of 5 stars!
On the negative – now I hafta wait for updates in real time and I am already jonesing for more!
This comic is phenomenal!
I caught up with this comic in a day lmao, hooked me deep